Grid Blogger Template, Blogspot Theme 2025

Grid Download Free Responsive Blogger Template

January 14, 2025
In one of the articles we considered plug-ins for creating a grid of blocks with a style of Pinterest (Grid style). Now consider the templates of Blogger with ready solution of such design.
Ogen blogger template


Seamlessly combines aesthetic design with smart functionality. Crafted for modern creatives, it features a sleek, minimalist look paired with powerful features. Ideal for photographers, designers, artists, and bloggers, it provides a professional and captivating platform to showcase their work.

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gridify blogger template


On this occasion right on the day all people in the country celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day 2025, Idntheme will share a theme called Pixel. Pixel Responsive Blogger Theme is a responsive theme, with a simple Grid display.

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gridify blogger template


is constructed in grid style with one column on homepage. This type of theme belongs to blogs such a goole plus or pinterest. Use Gridify for your own stories, traveling, recipes, culture, literature. You can made cool photo blog or selling magazine.

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Sevina Responsive grid style Blogger Templates


is a grid style blogger template with clean and simple design. If we talk about problem places a template, then yes, there are such. For example it has too many unnecessary widgets which is slowing down pages speed downloading. Also there is some not critical mistkes in SEO.

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sprinx blogger template


blogspot theme with magazine style. Most important part of this theme it's bright and colorful homepage. The only probs i can see here it's problem with pictures, because not every image will combine with posts color.

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Bauxe blogger template


grid Btemplate. You may also like Palki 2 Blogger template.

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Mudah Grid Responsive Blogger Template

Mudah Grid 

- blogspot theme with infinite scroll navigation.

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IcoFp blogger template

IcoFp Theme 

of course with already supports Responsive and movile Friendly features.

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winge blogger template 2018


masonry style, Lazy loading effects, One and two columns, Dropdown menu, Pop-up search box, Numbered pagenavigation, Social buttons, Contact form, Blogger comments, Green color.

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Livia Luna blogger template

Livia Luna

Grid style blogspot theme

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Simple grid

Simple Grid 

is a responsive template with grid view and one column on the post page. This template is tailored to your buddies who prefer blogs with grid views and more focus on the content contained on the blog.

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Brayen Live Blogger Template

Brayen Live

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Crusade Blogger Template


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Travelista Blogger Template


2 columns, Dropdown menu, Social icons ''follow us'',  Search box, Full width carousel slider, Pin it button on pictures, Featured post widget, Pagenavigation, Button back to top, About author box, Subscribe by email, Next previous post.

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Gridz blogger template


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Trendmag Blogger Template


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Palki grid blogger template

Palki Grid

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Foodmag Blogger Template


Features: 5 columns, Large title with background image, Dropdown menu, Featured posts widget, Subscribe via email, Numbered pagenavigation, Sticky social widget "follow us", Breadcrumbs, Share buttons, About author,

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Features: 3 main columns, 3 footer columns, Headlines, Social icons, Ads slot, 3 different featured posts widgets, Search box, Numbered pagenavigation, Breadcrumbs, Social buttons, About author, Related articles, Blogger comment form, Red and black colors

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Mintify Blogger Template


Features: 2 columns, 4 footer columns, Sticky dropdown menu, Buttons page navigation, Right sidebar, Social icons follow us, Green - wet asphalt colors, Not responsive design, Custom blogger comment form, Social buttons Pluso

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Extremis blogger template

Extremis BTemplate

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galaxo blogger template


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maverick blogger template


Features: Topnav container, First menu, Social networks icons and buttons, Large title, Sticky dropdown menu, Search window, Scroll button, Numbered pagenavigation, Instagram widget

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Johansen blogger template


Features: 5 columns (2 + 3), One sticky sidebar, Preloader, Topnav with menu and social icons, Advertisement, Dropdown menu, Search, 6 types of featured widgets, Slider, Numbered pagenavigation

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Expresso blogger template


Features: Dropdown menu, Search window, Numbered pagenav, Similar articles, Author box, Button scroll on top, Responsive layout, HTML5 and CSS3, Medium page speed loading

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Vestro blogger template


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Mostheme blogger template

Mostheme btheme.

Blogposts in grid style(date, author, label and hover effect); Bread crumbs; Emotikon, Recent posts widget; Responsive, CSS3 and HTML5; Jquery. Kind a strange form of the posts, text does not completely fill the post body.

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Rose blog blogger template

Rose Blog

Features: Top with bar social icons "folow us" and random post button, search winidow, Main title, Large Slider, Section for Instagram widget, Button Back to top, Share-box widget, Related posts, Simple Popular articles.

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Loveria blogger template


with a pink tint for bloggers working in the fashion area. The design with two news columns serves to place more posts on the main page of the blog and their accuracy. Loveria have a responsive and simple design with masonry grid style blogpost.

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Photonic free gallery portfolio blogger templates themes 2017


Medium page speed loading. Also there is popular for today Infinite scrolling which is very comfortable for readers. In addition, when you perform a transition to a page with a post and return back to viewing the posts on the main page, the system remembers and immediately opens the row with the posts that you viewed before.
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proxima free games blogger templates - themes


this is professional, stylish high quality theme. The design of this template was converted from the WordPress theme. Proxima has a specific type of home page. This theme could be used in such blogs as games, sport, portfolio, gallery, cookery, drinks and food, personal blogs, movies, business, fhotography, music, culture, nature , animals etc.

It is a uniquely flexible theme for multi-purpose Blogger, and for all types of publishers. This is high friendly Blogger theme. It is provide completely new views on your website or blog.

List Mag Responsive Newspaper Blogger Templates

List Mag 

it is another beautiful newspaper template with three columns, gridstyle blog posts, right and left sidebars. The List Mag is an elegant responsive blogger template wich you can use for Fashion, Technology, News, personal or magazine blog, games, sport, politics, . It takes a completely responsive design that will look stunning on any device. This template is not SEO-ready and if you want, that your website provide an excellent platform for achieving the highest search engine rankings then you must change this.

TS Grid magazine Blogger Templates 2017

TS Grid 

- First of all you need to pay your attention on home page there is located blog posts. Here you can see a grid type posts with already built advertisement. Next advertisement sections located below header and in the footer of the blog. As you can see this template is ready for a good profit.

The blog template with adaptive TS grid are flexible bloggers templates with features, elegant, ready to display ads, right sidebar, two-columns design, top navigation bar, white color, simple and minimal design, personal and other functions. You can use this theme for websites with pictures, wallpapers, tech news, app, software, games, personal, stories, nature, animals, cars, food and drink, property etc.

Gravity grid style blogger templates 2017


is a bright and colorful theme, it is perfect for gallery types of blog. Also can can say that this template looks like an old google plus design. I think many of you remember, that in gplus was three columns in blogposts. Use it for travel, personal blog, portfolio, food, nature, house design, real estate, photo gallery, wallpapers, tourism, style and fashion etc.

Whether it is possible to say that this theme looks stylish? I think you could say that. Actually it looks pretty good and simple.

Viralisme responsive magazine blogger template


is a perfect responsive for viral news. It's truly elegant and clean blogger theme. It has a great setting for creating a blog viral on the Internet. Also it is seo otimized and mobile friendly. He is displayed perfectly on each device, with different screen sizes. Viralisme is suitable almost for any type blogs or websites, no matter what kind of topic did you choose. His biggest plus is an integrated section for advertising, which is located in the posts list. This arrangement will allow to achieve a good profit, especially for blogs with pictures, photo or wallpapers.

digizena responsive blogger template 2017


is high quality grid theme with some new elements in design structure. It's blogposts system was made in grid style. Two widgets of categories on homepage is made this template perfect for  realtors blogs or even the property websites. Digizena has a positive, lite and clean design. Also you can see a new type of the related posts widget or rather its new location, not after the article, it's almost in her center. Also Digizena has medium page speed loading, what in fact make it a success blogger template.

groovy free magazine blogger template 2017


Item posts include blogpost and rightsidebar. In footer you can see four columns for widgets.

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Value responsive free blogger template 2016


The familiar template for the blogger will, though slightly altered, but we will not delve into the past. Let's see what opportunities may provide a template for the moment. Value is created for e-commerce mainly for animated categorie. This blogger template is consistent with the current development of the community, with a minimalist design that will better focus the attention of visitors on the content of your website or blog. The assembly template will not allow a small head start to your web resource. Its design will help creative companies to present their products to the most creative way. From the above described can make one conclusion, Value really deserves to be in our collection of best free blogger templates.

Bolina responsive blogger template


this is the first theme, which operates exclusively on the abbreviated codes. This feature-rich theme for the blogger, which is ideal could use for traveling, photography, technology, personal, news sites, fashion sites and other. It comes with three different layouts demo. All you need to do is to choose those that are best suited for your website blogger. Bolina adapts with html5, making it dynamic, SEO friendly and amazing design blogger template 2016. It has features such as advance, short codes, auto sliders and dynamic models of the home page. All these characteristics make it a unique and professional template. At the same time, Bolina is encoded with the mind, so you can customize this blogspot theme to develop their own design for the site or blog.

The Reviewer 

is designed to promote websites with themed movies, trailers, presentation of projects, images, events, and other topics. The template supports video format from Youtube, very easy to configure. Each element is created as a widget, the one that you can easily use them almost anywhere in your site. The Reviewer is a versatile template for blogger (blogspot) it can be used for any site.

invert grid blogger template

Invert Grid

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Socio - Viral & Buzz - responsive free blogger template

Socio Viral & Buzz 

It is noteworthy that the template is in a pretty interesting plan. Not bad drawing of all the elements, bright colors, plus quite a few visual effects. The content looks presentable and in my opinion it is convenient for readers. Web designer adds that the Socio very flexible to use. According to SEO optimization will not mention because free template, which means that not all so smoothly. For a simple user this blogger template is more than merit. Messages contain a selector comments. Total can count three forms Blogger Comments, Disqus and Facebook.

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viral pro blogger template

Viral Pro

Viral Pro is a SEO friendly Blogger template which allow you to create an effective Blogger magazine type or viral website.Viral Pro is a versatile blogger theme which can be used for multi purposes. This free theme has been designed for specific blogs which cover the viral content of internet but it can be also used for youtube videos, personal and business blog with little modification. It is mobile responsive, ad-ready and SEO optimized theme which can be easily customized with different colors of your choice with the help of blogger theme editing tool.
This is a responsive blogger template which works great on all different devices including operating system like Windows, iOS and Android etc.

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Smooth Grid blogger template

As you might understand, that has a grid style posts on homepage. So that fans who likes those type of blogger themes, can find on it something interesting. Smooth grid has medium loading page speed and pleasure design. That is first things which is pay attention primarily. We can not say that this pattern has something unique but clearly assess its worth. And I have no doubt that it will find its happy owner.

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helio blogger template

Helio Blogger Template

Helio grid Blogger template with numbered page navigation and bottom featured posts. This Theme include new stylish subscribe box.

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Bung Frangki blogger template

Bung Frangki

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Phorto blogger template


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Lycoris New blogger template 2018

Lycoris New

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Gravity Red Blogger Template

Gravity Red

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remito blogger template 2018


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blanter swift blogger template 2018

Blanter Swift

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Animo Blogger Template


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Fooddy Blogger Template


5 columns, Search box, Social icons, Three levels dropdown menu, Featured posts widget, Follow us widget, Numbered pagenavigation, Subscribe widget, About author widget, Share buttons, Sidebar gadget switcher, Related posts, Newer Older article, Blogger comment form, Yellow color, Responsive design.

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