Top 15 Blogger Widgets. Free HTML Blogspot Gadgets 2025

Top 15 Blogger Widgets. Free HTML Blogspot Gadgets 2025

January 20, 2025
blogger widgets

In this post, I'll show you the most useful Blogger plugins. Using these gadgets you can make your website more attractive and as well as more convenient, what could improve its positions in search engines.

Free Blogspot widgets

Preloader - Blogger widget
That is, until all its components are loaded, a certain animation object will wriggle in front of you. It is clear that this is done not only for beauty, but also so that the visitor can see all the components of the sites in front of him at once, and not separately each of them. In addition, such a plugin shows that your site more than professional. The better the design, the more credibility.

About author (SEO plugin) (Demo) (HTML Code to install)
about author blogger widget
Every year Google introduces and improves its algorithms aimed at combating web resources that provide false information that can ultimately affect a person's life (health), budget and happiness. So this plugin will help you interact much better with Google search engine on a ranking factor such as EAT. UPD: To display icons add this string  <link crossorigin='anonymous' href='' integrity='sha384-oS3vJWv+0UjzBfQzYUhtDYW+Pj2yciDJxpsK1OYPAYjqT085Qq/1cq5FLXAZQ7Ay' rel='stylesheet'/>
 in to your Theme, before </head>.

scrollbar in percent widget for blogger
Sometimes readers can browse the blog, look, read, scroll down the page and think, how much more is left to read and then our new widget comes to the rescue.

Footer bar widget
Add more information about your website and social media using footer menu. After this he will look more stylish and professional especially on mobile devices.

blogger back to top buttons
This button belongs to the group of blog elements called "Usability". Those are elements that facilitate user interaction with content.

Slider for Blogger
Using Slider you can represent to readers the most common posts of your blog. Also, this Slider can display posts by specific Labels.

next and prevoius posts navigation
Make your blog ultra usability. Еhis navigation element will allow readers to easily flip through pages on your blog

sidebar tabs for widgets
With this tool, you can fit a whole bag of widgets into your sidebar.  And there's still room for advertising blocks.

Recent posts
I always recommend this widget to my users because it can significantly improve the SEO metrics of your blog.

Social media buttons 2 in 1
Two widgets to Share and Follow (subscribe) on social media. Both are aimed at increasing the audience.
breadcrumbs navigation
A navigation trail with special markup will make the site even more convenient and help increase its ranking in search engines.

Drop down menu for Blogger (blogspot)
As many of you know, menus allow users to find the exact content of what they are looking for on the site by navigating through the menu cells in which specific categories are defined. Not so long ago, blogger templates began to change, making them display all their elements just as well, not only on computers but also on mobile phones, so that they can easily navigate through the site.

you may also like widget for Blogspot
Mostly similar messages are added to reduce the failure rate. That is, to delay the user on the site. After reading the material, he sees other similar topics and naturally opens them up for review, thereby increasing the percentage of behavioral factors, which is one of the main in improving the rating of the site or blog. Thus satisfied and the owner of the resource and its visitor found important material for themselves.

Numbered page navigation for Blogger
Of the advantages, you can distinguish quick access to the right material, if of course, the webmaster will take care of this setting. In any case, the reader can quickly navigate to their location. Using the page navigation, the user makes real transitions on the site, which increases behavioral factors.

Infinite navigation for Blogger
What I like about this type of navigation is that it doesn't force users to make additional clicks, because they don't like it. Especially when pages are loaded half an hour each. And here you just sit there, grabbing the mouse wheel and browsing the content. 

What is a gadget on Blogger

It's HTML elements, which provides some new functions for the blog. For example, it could be Subscribe by email, Translator, Main menu, About author, etc. They're also called widgets in a Blogspot.

There is two types of widgets: SEO and Usability. 

Sometimes it happens that one gadget is of double benefit, that is, it can relate to both SEO and Usability.

Each plugin is written in HTML and CSS code, in turn this code can be in JavaScript and include additional libraries such as jquery, ajax and others. I will say right away that it is better when JS is clean without a set of different libraries. Even better, when HTML does not include scripts at all, but alas, most gadgets can not do without them?

What kind of gadgets does the site need first of all

The fact is that there are a huge number of different plugins, but not all of them will be useful for your project, sometimes even can have a negative impact on the promotion in search engines. First of all, your blog needs these gadgets:
  1. Main menu (preferably horizontal, on top of the main content).
  2. Page navigation (numbered or endless scrolling pages).
  3. Breadcrumbs.
  4. Box about the author of the article or blog in general.
  5. Buttons of social networks.
  6. Similar Posts (better dynamic type, especially when the site has a large number of pages).
  7. Recent or popular posts (there may also be random posts).
  8. Headings (blogger labels).
  9. Next ~ previous post (use if the topic is very narrow)
  10. Subscribe to Email newsletter (if visitors return)
These are the main tools to promote a blog. Try to avoid adding extra plug-ins to make pages load faster.

What do search engines like

As I said before, plugins can be written in simple HTML or more complex, using Javascript, which is much harder for search bots to parse, especially when the script is encrypted. So, I usually check the gadgets via cache Google or Yandex. If the widget is displayed on the site page in the search engine cache, then good, and if not, then the site pages may lose several positions in the search engine output.
google search

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YZG March 18, 2022 at 2:30 PM


KatiaTcb March 31, 2022 at 11:18 AM

Thank you very much. You are a genius! Is it possible to have a music player? Would be great!

Mark Daniel Korvin April 29, 2022 at 12:57 AM

Your welcome. Yes, it possible, later I'll try to make a post about it.

Anonymous June 25, 2022 at 11:28 PM


Healthy Lifestyle March 11, 2023 at 3:52 AM


Jose Sanchez June 3, 2024 at 1:08 AM

Wow, this is a great resource! I had no idea there were so many cool widgets available for Blogger. I can't wait to try out some of these to enhance my blog's functionality and design. Thanks for sharing!