What is the difference between posts and pages in Blogger

What is the difference between posts and pages in Blogger

July 19, 2023
In Blogger, pages are static content that is not part of your regular blog post schedule. They are typically used to provide information that doesn't change very often, such as "About us", "Contact us", or "Terms of Service" pages.

Pages are different from posts in a few ways

You can add information to Pages in the same way as you can to Posts, but there are some differences between the two:
  1. They are not listed in your blog's chronological feed. This means that readers won't see your pages when they visit your blog's homepage or when they subscribe to your blog's RSS feed.
  2. They cannot be categorized
  3. Widgets that work on Posts don't work on Pages.
  4. The permalink does not show the publish date as it does in Posts
  5. Cannot change the name of the permalink like in Posts
Permalink option for Posts

Despite these differences, pages can be a valuable addition to your blog. They can provide your readers with important information that they need to know, and they can help you improve your blog's SEO.

Here are some reasons why you should use pages in Blogger

  1. To provide essential information. Pages are a great way to provide your readers with essential information, such as your contact information, your privacy policy, or your terms of service. This information is important for your readers to know, and it's not something that you would want to change very often.
  2. To organize your content. Pages can help you organize your content by providing a separate space for different types of information. For example, you could create a page for your "About" information, a page for your "Contact" information, and a page for your "Blogroll." This can help your readers find the information they need more easily. 
  3. To improve your SEO. Pages can help you improve your blog's SEO by providing Google with more information about your blog. When you create a page, you can include keywords and other SEO-friendly content that will help Google index them and rank it higher in search results.
If you're looking for a way to add static content to your blog, pages are a great option. They're easy to create and manage, and they can help you improve your blog's SEO.

Here are some additional tips for using pages in Blogger

  • Write clear and concise titles. Your title is the first thing people will see, so it's important to make it clear and concise.
  • Use keywords in your. When you're writing your pages, be sure to use keywords that are relevant to your content. This will help Google index your pages and rank them higher in search results.
  • Promote on social media. Once you've created your pages, be sure to promote them on social media. This will help you reach a wider audience.

How to display pages in blog

So, we already know that pages don't show up as posts on our blog, but we can display links to those pages. To do this go to Blogger dashboard - Layout and create new gadget marked as Pages or open already existing one.

Or you can use Main menu in which can also add links to any pages you need:

Horizontal menu

Simple menu (without JS)


Pages are very important for a blog because they separate one type of content from another. You can't create a full blog based on them, but they are indexed in search engines and can bring traffic to our site.

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